Welcome to the Redemption Guard Home page!
Exploring Troop #99

Redemption Guard is a non-profit 501c3 organization producing indoor color guard and dance ensembles for competition.  As a non-profit youth organization and Boy Scouts of America Exploring Troop, Redemption Guard is part of the Sport of the Arts because it brings music to life through performance in a competitive format. We are governed by Texas Color Guard Circuit on a Local level (www.texascolorguardcircuit.org) as well as WGI on an International Level (www.wgi.org).

To; Redeem, Renew, Reinvent and to be armed and invincible with integrity!
These adjectives describe our Winter Guard.

2020 Final Casting Call Announcement

Come and be a part of the Redemption Guard Family on our 9th season casting, we would like to announce that our 2020 casting auditions will be held on the following

Sunday October  20, 2019


The Auditions will be held on Sunday 10/20/19 from 11am-6pm, registration starts at 10:30 am and there is no cost to audition. 


Please wear all black dance/yoga/gym clothing. Bring a lunch and snacks some equipment will be provided. There will be sections in dance, weapons and flag.

 If you have any questions please feel free to use the contact tab or directly email me at: michael.acosta@redemptionguard.org call 832-443-9677.

We would like to announce our NEW staff for the 
2019-2020 season.

Executive Board:

President- Danny Verastegui

Vice President- Lyle York

Sargent At Arms- Jennifer Zuber-Garrison

Operational Staff: 

Artistic Director- Michael Acosta

Operational Director- Clifford Mertink

Operational Assistant & Marketing- Melissa Ortega

Design Staff: 

Program Director-Sal Salas
Program Consultant- Kristy Templin

Program Coordinator-Michael Acosta


Choreographer-Michael Acosta
Choreographer- Cody Albrecht
Choreographer- Otis Berry
Choreographer- Josh Bowman

Technical Staff: 

Michael Acosta, Otis Berry, Josh Bowman, Nick Hughey, Keenen Kelley, Polin Zapata 

For more information and show dates please visit www.redemptionguard.org

Redemption Guard is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, fully trademarked by the United States Patient and Trademark Office, and is a part of the Boy Scouts of America - Exploring Troop #99 part of the Sam Houston Area Council.


Payment Options

If you like to make a donation, sponsor a member or pay your dues please click on the PayPal button to your left. The button will take you through the process

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